1. Announcements
  2. [RESOLVED] Navidrome Temporarily disabled

[RESOLVED] Navidrome Temporarily disabled


This is a small update to all of our customers: Due to a significant performance impact, we have decided to remove one of our BETA apps, **Navidrome**, from our lineup for the time being.

The team need to figure out a way around the challenges we have discovered it brings to our infrastructure.
The container (application) will no longer upgrade or start, but the application's data is still fully intact.

UPDATE: We are delighted to inform you that the Navidrome app is now operational following the successful resolution of its docker-related issue. All Navidrome instances have undergone the necessary fix and have been restarted. If your instance is still down, we kindly ask you to execute the "Upgrade" command once more. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter. Thank you.

Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.

Best Regard,
Team Ultra.cc